Old School RuneScape | Prerequisites For Recipe for Disaster

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One rather long quest I've been working on slowly is called Recipe for Disaster. It is composed of quite a few different parts. Many of those parts have other quests that are requirements to even start them.

One of the highest skills I'll end up needing at some point is level 70 cooking. Thankfully there is quite a decent amount of cooking experience gained from finishing quests along the way. It will still be something I'll have to grind for at some point.

While I have been randomly working on some of the required quests to start moving forward on certain parts of Recipe for Disaster such as Gertrude’s Cat, Demon Slayer, and Jungle Potion are just a small selection of ones I've already worked on. There are so many a more targeted approach was needed.

Quest: Fishing Contest

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Perhaps the easiest of the quests I needed to do to date was winning a fishing contest. I had no idea the entire thing would be rigged, and I would be the one getting to benefit from it.

I simply had to get a fishing pass to enter the contest. Then just fish in the correct spot. The pipes from a factory nearby would end up causing me to catch the biggest fish of the contest. I’m kind of shocked they did not notice how a newcomer like me ended up getting a fish so massive no one else stood a chance.

Quest: Big Chompy Bird Hunting

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One such quest required me to hunt something called a Chompy. Naturally, it would be far too easy to just let me walk up to one and smack it a few times with a sword. No. Instead, I have to go out and gather the required items and make my ability to take the bird out.

So, I went around gathering a few parts in the area. I needed such things as a special kind of log from a tree, wolf bones, ogre bellows, and many other items. Once all of that was done, I created ogre arrows and was given a bow to use them in. I somewhat wish I had made more arrows but at least I had enough for the time being.

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I then set a trap for the bird itself and waited for it to show up so I could fight it. A toad filled with swamp gas is such a strange thing to use as bait for a bird. Sometimes I just stop asking the why or how it works and just go along with it. In the end, the bird showed up and I killed it.

As if things could not even get stranger. I then had to go around asking different ogres what kind of flavors they liked on their Chompy. I then had to cook the bird up and take it to them.

It also ended up being a good thing I decided for the time being to just bank all items I acquire during a quest. Even if they don’t like items, I would use them down the road.

Quest: Shadow Of the Storm

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For this one, I'd be working with Evil Dave and doing a summoning of a demon. This even required going out and buying some clothing. As he did not view me as evil enough without the right kind of clothing.

Thankfully for this one, I ended also up tossing the weapon I acquired from another quest into my bank and forgetting about it. As that weapon would be required here. It took a little while to find it but that is why being a packrat in this game pays off. I do fear the day my bank inventory is full!

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This seems more like a cult that has overpromised its worshipers and has delivered nothing of substance. Some of the items mentioned by Denath are items I'd love to acquire one day as well.

After talking with some of the people in the throne room it seems even some of the longer-lasting members have not even learned simple magic let alone the powerful stuff they were promised.

That is also when I learned it was unwise to speak up about being disappointed in not doing more evil things or acquiring power for oneself here. It appears I was taking the place of someone who went missing and had far too many questions.

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It was time to help this cult summon their demon. They ended up failing to summon the demon. It turns out the magic portal between the town they operate in and the throne was now starting to weaken after they performed their summing ritual. So, all the members fled through the portal. Since everyone else left I decided I would till I could get an answer to what was going on.

After getting some of my plans into place. I entered back into the throne room after convincing the cult that despite the portal getting weaker, they needed to attempt to do a summoning again.

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Little did they know they were getting what they wanted. Just not in the way they wanted it. The demon was now summoned and all I had to do was kill it with a Silverlight sword. It seems I over-prepared the amount of food I'd be needing for this one. As I've killed harder things than this.

This quest alone gave me a nice 10k experience in my choice of melee skill. I ended up selecting strength and getting another level in that. Which I will do more than I need.

Quest: Nature Spirit

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It seems if I'm not in the desert or a cave I'm going back to the swamp these days. This one I was to help someone become a nature spirit by casting some spells. Little did I know I had a chance of having my food rotted here as I ran through the place. Which is great, I was given some extra food at the start.

While inside a cave I ended up picking up a druid pouch. It’s supposed to save food from getting turned into rot while getting through the swamp. I however was going to need it for killing ghosts that roamed the lands. That was enough to give the ghost what it needed to become a nature spirit.

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Thankfully this was one of those short quests. I was shocked to see it was worth two quest points and gave me a couple thousand experience in crafting, health, and defense. Defense is a skill I've not been leveling much these days so any experience I can get in that is always great. It is starting to lag my melee damage skills.

Final Thoughts

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It has been a while since I've checked in on the people trapped in the dining room at Lumbridge for Recipe for Disaster. These quests are now done along with many others I've done in the past. I’ll be able to go back and free some further people.

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Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Old School RuneScape