Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
While I had about half of the milestone remaining. Only a couple of them gave me any trouble. There were also a few fun ones. Then just stuff I blasted past and won’t give those milestones a second thought.
This expedition had quite a lot of sentinels killing. One milestone alone required me to take out two sentinel walkers. You get one sentinel walker to spawn every time you max out the alert level.
These things were no joke. The first one I ended up fighting was next to a station. A few times I ended up just ducking inside the station and letting my shields recover. It made my first sentinel walker kill easier than it should have been.
For the second one, I killed. I triggered the sentinels in a random spot. No structure to hide in that time around. During the short break you get in waves I ended up digging myself a hole I could go hide in.
The plan was working out great until a stalker ended up teleporting underground into the hole I was in. I ended up killing the stalker with just one health remaining. I then looted it to recharge my shield and charged towards the surface to finish off the fight. Bagging myself for a second walker kill.
I’m also just loving how the gun I got for this expedition looks and the amount of damage output I am getting out of it. After finishing a few milestones, it ended up upgrading to the S tier with quite a few slots unlocked.
If I'm not mistaken I can bring it back to me to my main save. I just love the look of it so much. Along with all the moving parts the gun has when it fires different kinds of shots.
I love it when I can work on two milestones at once. One of them ended up kind of annoying me in trying to hunt down. I needed to find a planet that had corrupted sentinels on it. As I needed to kill so many of them.
I also needed to get so many kills using a mech minotaur. Not sure if I've ever used a minotaur before. I found them quite slow to move around and I don’t see myself wanting to use one again. The best way to move around on it was only using the jetpack.
Thankfully it was quite powerful and made dealing with the waves of corrupted sentinels a breeze. I even had loads of the resources it used to rechange the weapons.
There ended up being three milestones that I thought might end up keeping me from finishing this expedition. One of them ended up being a bug and the other two I needed a little luck on my side to finish off.
One I had landed in the fourth drop zone. I walked inside the building to get the location of the infection site I needed to clear out. I then attempted to make it to the site but the marker kept disappearing.
So I jump into space and away from the planet. Hoping to get some distance so I could just wrap right to it. That ended up putting me in the middle of space. With nothing to kill.
I attempted to relog and change up some settings. None of that seemed to work. So, I decided to just leave this one behind for the time being warped to another system and kept working on other milestones.
Hours later I ended up returning to the system and attempting this one again. Thankfully the bugged marker for the location I needed to clear out was at the correct location this time around.
I more than likely would have called it if it did not fix itself at this point. I can only guess leaving the system was more than enough to “fix” it. I can only hope that never happens again on another expedition. Thankfully this was the only big bug that I encountered during my entire adventure.
One milestone required you to hit three targets at once with a grenade. I ended up spawning a brood mother and just letting her spawn an insane number of drones. I then dropped all the grenades I had and did not get the milestone.
I must have fully restocked the grenades a dozen times and not out of the 240 attempts did I land a hit on three drones at once. I thought for sure after that many attempts I was just not going to get it.
Shortly later I go to some random site I spotted to collect some nanites. As I landed a bunch of horrors popped up. Without even thinking about it I pressed the grenade button and boom. I got the fire in the mole milestone.
The last milestone that was giving me trouble I needed to lure a deep sea creature and kill it. I was expecting this to be some massive creature but it was not that huge.
One of the milestones I had already finished gave me as a reward an object that was supposed to track down systems that had one in it. Every time I went to use that object in water systems I was told none could be found.
I must have gone into ten or so systems using the object. At that point, I even started to jump down into a couple of ocean-looking planets. Each time I'd come up empty after swimming around and scanning the waters for a bit.
I decided to check one more planet before calling it a day. That is when I spotted on my scanner an alluring specimen which the tips for the milestone hint at being a way to lure the creature out.
Funny enough I killed the creature so fast I could not even get a screenshot of it in time. I guess I was expecting to have to fight the Kraken or something. It ended up being more of a guppy than anything else.
And what was the last milestone I needed? It ended up collecting enough nanites yet again for the 4k milestone. I think some of the stuff I preserve as junk is stuff you can refine into the stuff. I always end up doing it the hard way between hitting bases looking for any and turning in discoveries.
The rest of the milestones I had were quite simple or just more of the same like going to another drop point. These ended up being the last ones that I found a bit thrilling to finish off.
Unlike the other expeditions where you are getting some fancy-looking ship the rewards from this one were a bit different. The thing the players are after the most is the chitin exoskeleton parts.
These parts are just skins for your gear. They add nothing special. For whatever reason my character is invisible during this expedition. So I could only show him wearing the parts I have from the device you can change your appearance at.
I kind of wish the thing came with some pants to fill out the look. I ended up already having some pants that felt like they were a good enough fit for the look of a Korvax character.
I was tempted to end the expedition and go pull the rewards out for my main. I am however still waiting on the community to finish off three more community milestones. I’m hoping they do in time.
I’m going to log in on the last day of this expedition and make sure I have enough kills and hope by then the community has it all finished. If not oh well I already got what I wanted for the most part out of this expedition.
I also got these creepy little pet things. I don’t usually have one spawned. Even more so since I might confuse it with the creature it is based on and waste ammo when I deal with a huge cluster of them.
I did however have it walking around for the last few moments of my adventure. It was starting to grow on me a little bit. I might want to have a space doctor check that out.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about No Man’s Sky.