Might And Magic III | Many Little Islands And The Maze

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I still had a few more little areas to check above ground. Then I had a dungeon that would challenge me more than the last one. Always interesting how quickly things go from one hitting everything to getting one hit myself.

There were so many little islands scattered all around the middle of the map. I’m kind of glad I ended up going back out and seeing if I had missed anything. Some of them were only a couple of tiles big if that. While others could hold a small mountain and a couple of creatures if that.

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At this point, I was walking around with a mostly full group. I did end up swamping out one of the higher-costing hirings with the druid. Not that I could not afford over 100k gold per day now in hirings. I just did not see a need for I when I could cut that down almost in half while exploring some easy areas.

Once in a while, I'd keep finding some pirate treasure. Each time it would just vanish. Almost like I was missing something. I’d love to find the pirates and their treasure. That just would not end up being the case.

I was hoping at some point I'd find another dungeon. There was only one other I could think of near where the swamp was. I’d soon discover I already had the key for it. Along with other than the pyramids. The number of dungeons remaining was getting quite low.

I ended up doing quite a few laps in the sea. I’d just go from one end to another. Across many different zones. Other times I'd just circle islands. After many days at sea, it seemed there was nothing left to discover that I could find.

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It was now time to run a little dungeon called The Maze From Hell. This place was filled with Minotaur that had a chance to instantly kill anything they hit. Along with Medusas that would turn several of my members into stone with a single cast of a spell. This place was no joke.

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If luck was on my side. One of my casters would end up hitting a Minotaur at a distance. Most times if I had it at least I did enough damage that its life bar was yellow. I knew I was a single round away from killing it more times than not.

Just killing anything in here would also net me 100k gold and 1k gems. On top of that, there was a high chance of getting some of the best items in the game with obsidian in their name.

I ended up getting some massive upgrades. For instance, a weapon dropped that upgraded one of my melees from 11-20 damage to 50-60 damage. With a large increased chance to hit as well. There were then armor upgrades as well that each piece would have double the AC on it than most of what my characters were wearing.

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As if things were not hard enough. There was a vortex on the ground that would teleport you deep into the maze. I ended up having one rather nasty encounter where all but one of my groups was turned to stone from fighting a Medusa. What remained was a melee and he had no way of getting around it.

As I would try a few different routes. I had no clear path back to the entrance of the dungeon. Thankfully that was not the end of my journey. As I had messed up and already saved assumed I could just backtrack out of the dungeon. I had to call an all-mighty wizard who sent me back to Fountain Head. The price for asking for that wizard's help was all of my characters losing a full level.

While a full level was a lot of experience. It was not for how I was pulling in from this maze alone. I ended up going over to the trainer and leveling up each of my characters three times. On another trip back to town thankfully under my own will. I’d end up getting another four levels on top of that. Then another few more levels after that. The experience gained in this place alone kept me wanting to explore the entire maze hunting for anything that would jump out trying to challenge me.

While this dungeon was a massive maze. I could also use teleport to move around it. This ended up coming quite in handy in one encounter. I walked down a long corridor of the maze. I was then jumped by two Medusa and one Minotaur.

I could also see behind them was a chest. I teleported out. Healed up and used stone to flesh to cure my party. I then moved down a little on the other side and teleported right onto the chest.

Thankfully this time around the chest is not just a trap. I ended up looting several higher-tier items out of it. The Medusas then managed to turn a couple of my group into stone. I however still had a character that could teleport and we went back to the other side of the wall away from that mess.

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For the most part, a lot of the fights in here were just pure slug fests. I’d just hope at the end of them I'd still have someone alive who could raise the dead. I would also take a few trips to a nearby town and repair a bunch of my gear as things were getting broken a lot.

Like most of the dungeons, I've run. I have no real idea what I'm supposed to be going after in them. I just hope at some point I get somewhere that I realize hey that is what I needed from here.

I had a feeling I was getting close to that point. In one part of the maze, just about every side into this one large chamber it had a vortex blocking me. I ended up finding one open side.

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Inside was this strange fountain. I ended up drinking from it. It gave me the title of Ultimate Adventurer. I have no idea what that was all about. It also did not seem to do anything like boost my stats.

I also ended up finding a chest with another hologram card in it. It was the sixth one. From little hints, I've picked from clues on walls. These are some kinds of important items to have. I just hope at this point I'm not missing any.

I ended up exploring every inch I could of the maze before leaving for good. It took a while to go through all the loot. So many upgrades. If only I had these for fighting that Dragon Lord, I'm sure he would have been no match for me now.

Final Thoughts

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The Maze From Hell did come at a bit of a price. I ended up using Divine Intervention a few times. One of my characters aged fifty or so years. I ended up stopping by the fountain of youth and curing him of that.

I also had a few Power Orbs from The Dragon Cave and Maze From Hell. I decided to turn them into a castle. I was then told good had won. It seems I turned in enough for something to occur.

I was kind of disappointed there was not a cut sense or something more dramatic when I did it. I did end up checking out the other two castles that were at war with each other. They were now in ruins. I can no longer enter them. Thankfully I already had finished any business I had with them.

I was kind of hoping there would be some kind of pointing in what I should be doing next from turning in all the Power Orbs. What little I have left in my quest log I have no idea if it’s a main or side quest. It looks like I'll have to just run them or end up checking out the remaining pyramids hoping to come across something to guide me towards the end.


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Might And Magic III.