Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
This was yet another one I was rather close to already having finished codex rank 10 on. Even better I already know a spot I love to hunt Longu at. So I thought why not get this one out of the way? As I had a few other creatures at the time I was not having any luck finding a spot I liked.
I think it might have been over a year since I’ve talked about hunting Longu. Back then I was hunting them to see if I could get any of the Gremlin armor pieces I needed at the time.
They also happen to be the creature that is right outside where I tend to afk and check the auction house. As such sometimes like a few others players. I’ll just wander out of the outpost and shoot a couple.
I still ended up having just a little over 5 hunting sessions on them. Since I’ve hunted them a bit in the past and I’ve written down some data. Looking at my numbers I noticed a bit of a strange pattern regarding when I hunted them and how I was doing.
I thought why not stick to that pattern I noticed of time of day and only hunt them during that time frame. That ended up working out better than I was expecting. I ended up being up over just 10% for the final runs I needed.
If I recall 75% of armor decay is expected to be returned. When it comes to healing I don’t recall the amount or the theoretical number of people who have worked on it. I just recall it was not that great. Now if I had spent $200-300 on some better healing devices as they would have been more than eco enough that going with the lower-tier armor and healing a bit more would have been the better option.
While the savings overall and the slight change to how loot would be for me over the long run is not much. At least a lot of the time the difference in breaking even on TT before markup on things can be the difference of just a couple of percent.
Since these are also creatures that are right next to where I tend to hang out in the game. There is a good chance I’ll continue grinding these long after on occasion after I’m done finishing codex rank 10.
While I would have preferred some other harder-to-get loot from Longu. It is often hard to tell what could be remaining left in the loot pool for a certain creature. Everything that is expected to be “extremely rare” might not get dropped for years at a time and the maturity of the creature that dropped it is often left unknown to the general public.
It is however hunting something knowing there might just be an insanely low chance to get something quite rewarding. I have no idea if an A-3 Justifier Mk. 2 Improved can even drop off these anymore. Looting a gun that sold last year for $13k is a nice dream. One I don’t ever expect to happen.
The other nice thing about hunting an area as well as I have is finding that one area all the players tend to want to fight over. For some reason, I kept running into one area where all the good loot was at. Everywhere else it would be rather disappointing and losses.
I move up a little bit and focus on hunting in a certain area and I’m suddenly having five profitable hunts in a row. A lot of the time it was just because I’d get a couple of decent 20-30 PED loots during a hunt. That put things over into the green.
I always find it rather amusing how rare uncommon drops tend to be. While I’ve not always hunted Longu there are many other creatures I have and I still have uncommon drops from them that I’ve never seen. It makes you wander the insane amount of kills needed just for a single extremely rare item to drop.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.