Outward Definitive Edition | War Was Imperative
It has been a while since I've checked in on Entropia Universe. It turns out they have made even further UI improvements since the last time I played. On top of that, a rather annoying bug on my end seems to have resolved itself.
While I love older games sometimes there tend to be some issues. One annoying one for me happened when I upgraded my computer system. The sky titles started to flicker at random. While I tried a few fixes and just hoped the issue would resolve itself after a patch or two. It did not for quite some time. Thankfully now that rather annoying bug is at least for now gone. I even get to enjoy some of my favorite places to hunt where it was a huge issue to deal with.
I decided since I had not played this in a while to hit up some of my newer and older favorite creatures to hunt. At the time and this was a couple of months ago no major events were going on. This time of year these games are rather busy with events and it’s easy to want to get dragged into them.
The biggest improvement I noticed when logging into the game is the UI. I feel it helped update the game a little bit while still maintaining an older game feel to it. While it is a bit colder feeling it also makes it feel a little more science fiction as well.
I was kind of shocked by how much of a difference having a more modern UI made the rest of the game just feel not as old. With such a big change I would also need to try and find some old settings.
The biggest one I realized I was missing was all my preset-up armor loadouts. I even hunted around for them for a bit but it seems since I had to redo some other stuff that perhaps they were all wiped out or no longer a thing.
This is one thing this game had I'm shocked so many other games don’t have. Where you can set up different armor loadouts and with a press of a button change your gear. This is quite important as the type of gear and the type of platting you have in that gear is something you work out what is best for you when dealing with different creatures.
It is however not a big deal. For the time being, I just put my gear one piece at a time. Since I was hunting Araneatrox the best plating I already had in the armor set I used to hunt them in was going to be needed anyway.
One thing that feels like they have not messed around much is the global system when it comes to swirls. While I would not mind an upgraded graphics version of it. It is so classic to this game I could see them having to be rather careful in what ends up getting “improved” with it.
They did update the global messages and the Hall of fame a bit. I don’t mind the changes. While I do kind of prefer the old style and feel. This was not such a change I can’t see myself getting used to and even preferring the improvement over the long run if I end up playing this game further.
This hunt I was on ended up leaving me slightly ahead in loot in PED value. I’d end up returning to hunt these a couple more times with those hunts not going to be so great. I ended up taking a short month-long break before returning yet again.
I ended up going Hogglo hunting and at this point, I'm just giving up on these ugly things altogether. I used to see them as my next biggest challenge. They are rather easy for me to take down these days.
While there are ultra-rare drops I'd love having one day off of them. The loot ends up being so bad time again and again. I just can’t see myself wanting to keep returning to these things.
Thankfully Atrox was there to save the day. I ended up wondering around one of my last year's spots that I ended up finding. These are such an easy takedown for me these days I have considered trying to find a decent spot for higher-level ones. Since they can drop much better markup items anyway.
It is however just nice to fight something that I know if I get a few adds on me won’t be an issue. I’m also kind of shocked I only have their codex up to rank 11. Since this is a creature I hunt at such a high frequency I would have thought I'd be closer to max rank on them by now.
I ended up just parking my character at a local outpost that has a vendor to get some ammo and do some other things at. Perhaps once a week for a month or two I'd log in and just go do a usual hunting round on Atrox before calling it a night.
I find these just so relaxing to hunt. They also seem to still look decently compared to some other stuff I hunt. I was able to break a couple of guns here without having to go elsewhere and try to make some PEDs to keep the hunting trip going.
Overall, I have been enjoying the UI changes they appear to be slowly making. At this point, I have even gotten used to them. I know they have a bunch of other stuff planned over the long run to upgrade the graphics of the game. I can’t wait for that stuff. Sometimes that is all that is needed to help freshen up a game.
I do at some point want to go on some massive hunting trips on the Crystal Palace space station. That for now however is not in the cards. I would need to be quite stocked up on supplies to go on quite an adventure again.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.