Outward Definitive Edition | War Was Imperative
Immerse yourself in the unfinished feel of Arkadia's Moon. See the amazing cities and landscapes on the moon as I explore it. Get ready for a one-of-a-kind experience on Arkadia's Moon, only in Entropia Universe.
Arkadia’s Moon is now one of those places when I’m flying to or from Arkadia I usually make a quick trip over to it. As the moon has a daily mission that takes quite a long time to finish that I’m slowly chipping away at. Hopefully, I’ll include about that daily one day and the benefits or annoyience of it. Till then I’ll just keep working on it showing up once in a blue moon to get a little more progress in.
Since I was already heading to the moon for that anyways. I thought why not give this place a proper exploration. I’ll admit this is a moon I’ve rarely ever visited in the past. I can’t even quite recall if I was a thing back when I use to play a lot back in the day.
The moon is at least a short flight from Arkadia itself. While on the moon you can even pay a fee to teleport back loot if you like to the planet. At this point I kind of wish that was free or a lot cheaper. As there just not a whole lot to do up on the moon.
It is also rather shocking for it being a moon just how many roadways and pathways there are. Like some massive colonization was expected to happen that never did. While there are few NPCs around it feels like overkill with all the roads and the lack of content that I’ve at least found.
I would say hopefully they don’t have any giant asteroids that fall here that would destroy the domes. I however do know there are some asteroids and even craters to explore on this planet. I don’t currently have the requirements to get close to some areas without getting instantly killed.
While the vast majority of this moon appears to be void of life. Some craters are filled with stuff to hunt that I can enter.
While at some point I’ll land on the surface in an area like this to do some hunting. For this trip, I was just here to do a quick thing while on my way elsewhere in the universe.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.