Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
I was hoping I was done ever having to see the Tree of Whispers again. It turns out that was incorrect as you get to play a bounty hunter of sorts and go collect on people who owe the tree debts. It’s kind of creepy knowing what happens.
After you hit level 50 you get a quest that sends you over to see The Tree Of Whispers in the Hawezar region. After a little bit of story, you are told some icons can be found on the map of debts to be collected. You have a limited amount of time to collect them.
It is important to note that if you decided to change your world tier setting you will lose all current Grim Favors. So keep that in mind if you are someone who ends up enjoying grinding these for the rewards.
Before you get free reign of the system itself you are sent out to Caldeum to collect on some debts and earn Grim Favors. The good news is once you are done with the questing you are not limited to Caldeum. You just have to keep an eye out for them on the world map.
These kinds of tasks are easy to spot on the map. As they have a dark blood-red background and the symbol of a dungeon. Hovering over them reveals the Grim Favors reward and the time before it expires.
You also have lesser kill count sites to run and there are a couple of different ones. While I find running cellars faster you tend to only have a limited amount of those. For these smaller kill count once there tends to be more of them. Sometimes you luck out and an area you are clearing counts for multiple things.
Any events that spawn in a region that is being affected by this system can also grant one grim favor on top of their usual rewards. I often find a group of players focusing these down quickly trying to capitalize on both favor farming and other rewards.
Once you collect all 10 Grim Favors you are locked out of running anymore. You have to go back to the Tree of Life and do a turn-in for your reward. From there you get a choice of three different Grand Cache collection rewards. Along with some experience.
As far as I can tell from running the same region more than once that had these bounties spawning in them. It seems to be random rewards you get to choose from. At least you get to choose from three rewards.
One thing I’ve noticed is you end up getting a high chance of a glyph. If I wanted to glyph farm till I got what I needed this is one such activity I might consider. As other activities in the game are a lot more random and this route seemed to be rather consistent with rewarding a glyph.
Once on World Tier 3, I started to notice in the rewards Nightmare Sigils. Still, I’d get shafted on actual gear loot. That however kind of starts to make up for it. Along with things like Baleful Fragments.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Diablo IV.