Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
This is my second time being in a testing round. If you want to learn more about the game I wrote up a brief history and showcased many other key features the game has to offer in my Demo2 Report
It’s nice to see them take feedback and put out what fixes they can between testing rounds. I look forward to being in many more of these if I can make the time.
All the above resources regenerated when under the appropriate locations to regain those stats for this testing round. In the future, they will be adding in the systems themselves to eat, drink and so on. For now, they had locations you could go to refill.
Fall damage worked after jumping off a cliff. I knew I was dead from the moment my health was almost gone and I still had halfway left till I landed from where I jumped off. I was not expecting this screen which was a great addition.
It was also nice to see they expanded out the area we got to play around in. I did not notice any performance issues while running around the island. In fact, things seem to have improved since the last time I played.
I can’t wait to see how the new quest/question mark items they have placed in gameplay out. As a point to not spoil them I won’t be sharing any screenshots. The popups for every mark I found worked.
As far as the questions being asked from those testing this round. I have them listed below.
Yes, I the save slots. I was able to load and did not notice any issues.
I did not notice any trees, bushes or rocks come back after I had harvested them. I did not fully clear the island this time around. Everything seemed to be working just fine for the couple of test areas I cleared out. After I saved and logged back in they were gone like they are supposed to be.
I did not have any issues while playing.
I am the wrong person to ask regarding this!
Performance seems to have improved. I did not notice any issues while running up and down the shoreline or collecting materials.
Anything I discovered this round is already listed under known issues.
Thanks for letting me join this test round. I can’t wait to see how things unfold from what I’ve seen running around the island this testing round.
Have a great week!
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar. Screenshots are from the game IBT Survival Island.
This game is in early beta.