Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
Not everything you do in blockchain gaming is going to be a home run. In fact, there is quite a lot of risk involved and most never consider that. They see all this opportunity at wealth, add in some foma, and cutting edge technology or the lack of. You can end up in a bizarre situation where you try to get past all the hassle hoping to reach the promised land of profit. When in reality you would say NO at the start and moved on to something else if this was anything else.
When it comes to most games in this world acquiring an account is not the hardest thing to do in. In fact, if this is your game bottleneck you might even try to be the solution. Successful games on Steem, for instance, go on to help with account creation by just adding it as something you can buy or have helpful players who will go out of their way. EOS games on the other hand. No. Get your own account.
Now to be able to buy an EOS account from a number of let’s say interesting websites you need to pay them in EOS. For quite a few cryptocurrencies that was not too much of an issue back in 2019.
Many of these places all allow you to exchange for EOS if you have an EOS address and like the games are using a wallet called Scatter. This is a very big wallet over there for gaming. It’s nice you have options once you’re in the ecosystem. Until then, you just have your face pressed against the glass pounding “let me in.”
Beyond that, for the most part of 2019, there were other places to acquire EOS. Unless you were one of them dirty Americans. Excuses me for a moment while I go learn Russian or something. Every place was like the soup Nazi in Seinfeld. No EOS for you and please give us all your private details so we can sell it anyways.
Eventfully I found a place that did not seem to care too much about those pesky regulations that everywhere else was having. This is fantastic or so I thought. I even bought some EOS by trading in some Steem. I went to withdraw it and you could not edit the memo with the needed information required to create an account to the address I wanted to send to. DAM IT.
At this point, I’m a good week in for trying to solve just getting a wallet address on EOS. I was about to give up and I almost wish I had. That, however, would not have been an adventure.
Another option was having someone else create a wallet for you that is already in the EOS ecosystem. Which at the time was more or less a requirement for most since you needed someone to walk you through the very first basic steps to even using the darn thing.
Now I’m not the most tech savory person in the world I’m willing to admit. I am however better than most. So it all came at a bit of a shock how much struggle everything was.
This person generated a wallet and staked some resources to the CPU, network, and ram. This at that time was more than enough to get me going. I overtime kept adding more and more to the CPU just trying to get a couple of transactions per day on the EOS network but more on that in a bit.
He handed me one single private key. Turns out when the wallet is generated you get one key for all permissions and it’s up to you to change everything. This was the plan at least for me since someone had to just hand me my key private key making it not so private. It’s shocking how many never change their private keys over there and might not even understand their master is the same as everything else. Which are massive issues but not something I’m going to worry about since It’s not my problem.
After watching some YouTube videos and finding the least shady site I could for Offline EOS key generation. This is not something you want to trust the top results necessary on google. Since some of them at the time were not legit or so shady looking you felt deep formatting was required.
At this point, I’ve also download Scatter and went through the whole process of applying a staked account to an address there. I then went to reset the key with my newly generated private keys. Access denied! WUT!!!!!!!
Turns out this wallet has an internal firewall and oh boy you did not just try to change a private EOS key in it? Get lost! Now I would have understood if I was remote accessing this wallet. Ok than block my actions. I, however, was not doing that.
After not finding anything helpful on the internet that I was willing to trust at that point in time who knows things changed over time. I finally said screw it I’ll troubleshoot this issue myself. I found the wallets firewall and there was no deactivate for 10 minutes kind of option.
So I did the most logical thing possible. I made a backup and started deleting lines of codes. Yes, you heard me right. To do what I needed to do I just started axing things I had no idea what they did. For the monocle-wearing tech wizards out there you could do all kinds of extra things for security measures. This simpleton, on the other hand, acted like I was walking through a forest with a machete clearing a path.
Thankfully it all worked out in the end. I was able to reset my private keys on that account. I finally at the time had a working EOS wallet that I could trust. Along with a few missing hairs on my head from pulling them out. I’m just thankful I did not brick that account and would have had to start all over again at square one.
I found out later that Scatter has its own key generation which was not clear at all to me at the time. As such they really don’t want you making your own private keys. That is what I get for watching 2-month-old outdated videos about EOS. It’s moving at such breakneck speeds over there you just got work it out yourself or among your group of gamers.
Yes, over time I did payback in EOS the person who was kind enough to make me an account. While he was just happy to have me use some of his referrals to try and earn back his cost in games we were all playing. After all my frustrations it was the least I could do.
All the games I found over on EOS used the Scatter wallet. The philosophy of every EOS game I played was that every single action had to be broadcasted on the network and you had to approve it. Wanted to move left in a map? Up pops a window to approve it. Wanted to open a door? Sorry, sir, you did not approve this action In time please try again. Which case you were at 120% CPU and had to wait a few hours to try again.
Now it’s true you can whitelist actions over there. The issue is that for the non-tech wizards that only whitelisted the exact line for line action instead of a grouping of actions. So for instance, if you moved left onto square 12, 12, 12. ONLY moving left on 12, 12, 12, was whitelisted. Anything else also had to be whitelisted. If you were playing a game that had 900 locations on the map to move to you gave up after a while of trying to white list actions.
EOS games requiring you to broadcasting every single thing you did even when it had zero value in terms of acquiring or trading items came to bite them in the butt later on. I am a strong believer that the game developer needs to work out what is and is not important information to store on a blockchain. Otherwise, you are just congesting it and if there is ever an issue NO ONE but the whales are able to play.
Allegedly at some point and I could not find any source I 100% believed of this but I’ve lived through it waiting. $100 worth of EOS was needed in stake to make a single transaction on the blockchain due to the CPU congestion issues the network is facing. In other words like $30k for me to play a couple of games in a single day.
Now, I really wish I lived in a reality where I could quantify staking $30k to a virtual CPU to go and get a couple of cents worth of cryptocurrency playing a game. Sadly I am not an oilman or a buyer of avocado toast. So I have just been sitting for months checking in on the situation.
9000% CPU. EOS is really taking this meme to the next level. My funds are so secure not even I can touch them. I’ve lost count how many months now this has gone on for. Thankfully I don’t have enough over there were attempting other “solutions” make sense. Sometimes you should not toss more into the hole hoping to make a recovery it’s just time to move on.
Things have gotten so bad that a bunch of games all left for a blockchain I never heard of up until this point-- WAX. Wax is worth less than 2 cents on a good day from what I could find. When developers are willing to abandon in mass a coin that is worth a hundred times more there might be a slight issue not getting addressed.
In total, I managed to get two game reviews out for EOS games. I had to make it clear I was not willing to help anyone make a wallet over there even if they used my referrals. I’m glad I did because the other day I went on a bit of a rant about not being able to do anything on EOS for so long I’ve lost count how many months it’s been.
Most of the game economies on EOS are what I would call dead nowadays. Some of these games even have limitations on how low you can sell items. Which no one is buying even if they could transact because those prices are to dam high. At some point, you just got open the flood gates and let people sell.
Up until this point I’ve never had to make such statements like I did the other day in the screenshot above. Thankfully I only had two game reviews I had to edit. While I was planning on playing more games and even had stuff in the works. This whole CPU congestion issues popped up in the middle of it. Which I guess is a blessing and a lesson on the nature of this world we are in.
I feel at this time I’ve been more than patient when it comes to being on the cutting edge of blockchain technology. To play games on a blockchain should not be this hard or be so dependent as many games where on EOS. You should not be having to invest more into being able to use the platform are you are than in the games you just want to play.
Thankfully I did not lose too much as far as assets. With the high-risk high reward nature blockchain gaming can be. You bet I made sure to take profit and was in the green. Other gamers were sadly not in the same boat. Anything I have left over there I consider a total loss with the current state everything is in. Even more so now with the loss of consumer trust that so many have been feeling for quite some time.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar.