Might And Magic III | A Fortune Soon Spent
Old School RuneScape | Collective Shortness
Sometimes it’s just fun to work on a bunch of activities or quests that were rather short and even not that impactful. Don’t get me wrong there is always that thrill of a quest taking hours, days, or even weeks to be able to do. Sometimes however it is just nice to have things a bit more relaxing.
Quest: Observatory
With all the usual walking around, I tend to do for quests I was rather glad to get one that was not so involved. I mostly just had to repair an observatory. The hardest part was having to search chests for a drop in an underground cavern.
That was about it for the quest. A nice short and quick one. It seems like these kinds of quests for me are becoming quite rare. Usually, I'm off on some crazy adventure with no sight in the end. So, I'll take an easy win and a petty 2k crafting experience while I can. I was shocked this one rewarded two quest point.
Quest: Spirits Of The Elid
I was off to the desert to resolve a rather tricky situation. A city without water in the middle of the desert would not last long. I was tasked with finding out what happened with the hopes that I would be able to resolve whatever was causing the issues with the town's water supply.
After speaking with the person in charge of the town it became rather apparent, that he thinks there is a curse that was put on the town itself and even perhaps the water source. I was not in the same mindset as this. I was however willing to keep an open mind while also hoping to find something more physical that I could use to resolve the issue at hand.
After talking with some people in the town I discovered the water supply was underground in a cave. They were using water channels at different locations to feed the water into their reservoirs. While the place had some creatures to slay to gain access to the water channels. I did not find them to be much of a challenge.
Once I cleared the place out of anything trying to stop me, I entered into each of the chambers that had the different water channels in them. Sure, enough each one of them had some kind of trouble. From the water being blocked to repairs needing to be made. I went around getting the water supply flowing again.
Quest Failure
Not all quests I'd go on would be successful attempts let alone as easy as some of the ones I've done so far. There are some quests players consider to be major milestones if you can finish the series of quests for them. One of those kinds of quests is called Monkey Madness.
I had a bit of a feeling I was not going to be quite ready for this quest at the time. I however wanted to give it a try. I ended up getting killed for only the second time total in this game during this quest.
I had some potions and food that cost me a small fortune and dropped on the ground on my death. I somehow made it back to my corpse naked barely surviving in the incoming damage I was taking at the time.
After looting some of my gear I ended up hiding out of range of what killed me the first time around. I ate what little food I was able to get which was enough to heal me up. I then made another mad dash for my corpse getting what was remaining. After that, I used a tablet teleport and got the heck out of there.
It looks like I'll be needing some better gear and healing food to attempt this one again. I also need to level up my prayer so I can have some better protection prayers for the kind of situations I'll find myself in on this quest. That however would not be for quite some time. As such this quest was not getting done today.
Mini-quest: Skippy And The Mogres
It is always nice when you over-prepare for one quest and end up using the extras in another quest. Even more so when that is more or less all that was required to finish the quest. I had thought I was long done with any extremely short quest. That was till I found this one.
Back a little bit ago I ended up collecting a few Nettles to make tea for a different quest. It turns that ingredient and even making it in tea form was to be used for more than just recalling someone's memory. This time around it would be used as a hangover cure for someone after a day of drinking near the shoreline.
I was left a bit confused as to why this quest was even a thing in the first place. It would end up being one of a countless long list of requirements for another quest. Outside of that since it was a mini-quest I did not even get a quest point for my time or even experience.
Clue Scrolls
One thing I was expecting to be a bigger part of my gameplay ended up not being such. That would be clue scrolls. On one of my first days returning to the game, I had an easy clue scroll to do.
After that, it was a week or so before I got another easy clue scroll. I ended up banking it for the time. Thankfully the game has a system in place when you are “getting close” to getting another clue scroll. That way if you already have one since you can’t get a second of the same difficulty you can do something about it.
I found the reward from the easy clue scroll to be so lacking I never cared much. Since then, I have only gotten a couple of warming about missing out on some easy scrolls. I have also had one hard clue scroll drop which I put away for safekeeping for the time being.
With all the combat I ended up doing I kind of had the impression that I would be running a clue scroll daily. So far, they have been so spread out in drop rates. Along with it not being that rewarding. That I've more or less written them off.
I’m hoping at some point I'll get an elite clue scroll. Perhaps then that will be worth my time running them. I was rather expecting when I started to grind out Slayer I'd at least be getting a few hard ones to drop at some point. I guess I'm not fighting hard enough creatures yet or the drop rate is just that rare.
Grinding Hunter Rumors Further
Since I've been enjoying Hunter so much, I thought I'd make a few more task runs. Outside of a couple of creatures, I've captured selling for some decent money. I’m still not seeing the big picture of how to make a decent profit with this skill. I do believe once my skill is high enough there are some more noteworthily creatures to go after. Till then I thought I'd keep grinding out with the Hunter's guild working towards unlocking tasks with other hunters.
It has been interesting if nothing else all the different methods used to capture or kill different creatures, I'd be tasked with getting something from. A couple of times in the past I've come across these strange clusters of rocks. I had no idea they were for hunters to set up what they call deadfall.
Perhaps one of the more annoying ways to hunt a creature required discovering their tracks and following them around. This requires checking in on a burrow first. Then you have to check the local bushes around where the tracks lead.
Many times, the tracks would start to loop back onto themselves. Usually meaning that bushes somewhere along the tracks had the creature I was looking for hiding in them. Other times I'd have to check a dozen or so bushes in my search for further tracks till I could get to the final bush the creature was hiding in.
This kind of method was not unexpected. I just thought it would have been a little more fun to do it. I have seen in other locations lots of players running around like they are following creature tracks. It seems once I get a high enough level hunter there is either a decent money maker or experience grinding that involves this method.
Perhaps one of the more fun methods happened to be when I was along a sandy beach. I would have never thought these ditches in the sand were anything but random. In turn, hunters can build traps over them. They then tease a horned creature and jump over the trap. Many times, the creature jumps over the trap as well and continues running after you.
I ended up learning quite quickly that I wanted to have a couple of these kinds of traps set up. Just in case the first one or two don't work. While I was not taking a lot of damage getting chased. I also was not looking to be the one being hunted either.
Final Thoughts
While it was a bit all over the place this time. It was quite fun even that one time I got killed yet again. For the most part, it was a rather productive day. Hopefully not that far into the future I'll attempt my one failure and find some better clue scrolls worth running.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Old School RuneScape.