Outward Definitive Edition | Raining Gold Bars
That exciting feeling when you are about to unlock world tier 4 in Diablo IV. I was honestly expecting far more of a challenge. I did however wait till I was 68 before diving into this. While Torment says 70+ you don’t need to be to enter or work on this.
When I entered into the capstone dungeon I did have to face off against level 70 creatures. They were however no match for my fire magic. I sent the dungeon ablaze with the delight of wanting to unlock torment.
The first objective at hand was just getting to the Cursed Halls and investigating around. Sounds like a place I would not want to be caught dead in let alone spend a few nights at. So I quickly marched forward laying waste to anything that stood in my path.
It would not be a dungeon run without having to drag around some strange stone carving. You would think my character would at least care what they said about them. Nope. He was thinking we need a bar for celebrating after this dungeon was done.
I ended up having to do a little exploring around to find it. Every single person I ran into was just not helpful in any way of finding it. It’s their loss, not mine for not helping me. I would say perhaps they would make better decisions in the future but that is no longer possible.
This capstone dungeon requires a lot of investing in different things. I was perhaps not the best person to be given such a task. As my investigations always ended with lots of flames and no real answers as I’ve burned them all up for the most part.
Next up I found a demonic barrier. That sounds exciting, right? Oh, it was. Without looking for any kind of warning labels I activated it. It sprung as I expected a bit of a trap I had to survive eliminating anything that spawned around the barrier.
I’m never that thrilled with having to backtrack through a dungeon. This place seemed to have a few areas that looped back onto themselves. I also always seemed to be hauling things for longer than one should be forced to. I guess that was the real challenge of this capstone.
I was then given the opportunity as they say to go spend some time with cannibals. Now I know what you are thinking. Did I return with all of my fingers and toes? Absolutely. Thankfully I did not have to spend time chatting with the cannibals or any of that nonsense.
As I was slowly working towards the end of this place. I started to realize the further I got along the more cursed with negative effects I became. Thankfully to counteract this course I just had to keep killing like a serial killer.
It was then time to finally face Elias, Hatred Remnant. I was expecting that this is where I’d get swept along the floor. After all, I’m facing level 70 creatures and my gear was not even anything amazing.
It turns out the real challenge was not finishing the capstone dungeon to unlock Torment itself. It was going into torment with the kind of gear I have and expecting things to go well. Thankfully that did not last long and after some amazing upgrades, it was not so challenging anymore.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Diablo IV. This was during the early access beta. Things are subject to change.