Once Human | Start Of A Wild Adventure
I can’t think of the last time I’ve seen a game developer announce they are fully done and moving on to other things. That was mind-blowing enough that I decided it was time to jump into the game and start a new character.
It’s got quite the dungeon-crawling feel to it. I ended up picking the class, Warlock. At least for now, I’m going to mainly focus on going for fire damage. I think I can have quite a lot of fun with that.
Granted that will save me some time if I ever get into a bind gear-wise while leveling up. You can gamble the crystals for gear, use it to re-roll stats on gear, and do many other things you would expect in a modern-day ARPG.
The game has a couple of different difficulty options. The nice thing is I can in theory jump into any one of these at any time. However, even the game hints I should not be going near legendary difficulty till at least level 50 with some decent gear.
Certain kinds of rarity items can only start dropping once you are on the higher difficulties. On top of that what they consider to be True legendary you can only get at level 100. So there is going to be quite some grinding level whiles before I start putting much of a thought into gear.
I ended up starting on Normal. My main reason behind this is that it turned out to be how I recall things. The first couple of levels as you can expect in quite many ARPGs these days can be a bit painful and slow till you unlock some further skills and have some gear.
Once I have done that I will need to find somewhere to sit down and just grind in. At some point, I’ll be focusing on bosses to get a decent gear set before moving towards more of the end-game system in Chronicon. For now however that going be a ways off.
Two things that never get old in Chronicon are the loot explosions and clearing out massive hordes of creatures. This game nails those aspects in quite an amazing way once you have some decent skill combos and gear to follow up with.
No shock to me I was quite rusty at this game. the starting skill for Warlock also sucks. I had to be careful in what I was getting aggression on let alone attempting to pull for the first few levels.
I ended up selecting wanting to level up Burning Hells and anything that appeared it would benefit from as my early-on area of effect damage skill. This skill would start like a low and slow burn. Later on, it will be ripping through packs of creatures like they are nothing.
After working out some stuff and coming up with a bit of a game plan. It was time to dive head-deep into piles of creatures. It would still end up being a little while of slow and painful leveling before things got into their step.
Since I’m not in any rush to get anywhere in this game I’ll be taking things a bit slow. Any side area dungeon areas I find I’ll be diving right into for the most part. The game is kind enough to label them as blue on the map.
One of the first side dungeons I found ended up being a Reeking Cellar. Not a place I would normally want to find myself in. I was however on this day looking for a bit of trouble to get into. Many times these side little dungeons can be quite small. As is the case with this one.
Small dungeons like these can pack quite the punch. Between being loaded with creatures you can find chests and puzzles as well for some amazing loot. There is usually some kind of named creature at the end of them to finish off as well.
This dungeon also had a crystal puzzle towards the back. While I forget at this time how to solve most of them. It did not take long to recall I just needed to click on the red crystal and wait for the next one to click. After so many, I’d beat the puzzle and get a nice phat chest to loot.
The puzzle also happened to be trapped. On solving it a massive horde of zombie-looking creatures spawned in to try and kill me. Thankfully my area of effect damage did some amazing work on them quickly.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Chronicon.