Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
For the most part, I also ended up finishing off the TT (trade value) on the 5 PED TT gun I got a little while back. I would even later find that gun could be upgraded slightly. Since it is non-trade and you can’t sell it they can do some cool things with such an item that you usually don’t see.
One of the first missions I did was called Clear Out The Digsite. It required you to kill 300 Berycled that were usually puny maturity. When I said this was a bit of a grind for a little bit of ammo I did mean a grind.
Since I already had rank 5 Codex for these creatures I gained little progress towards the next rank. I could however see that it was a starting player or had yet to grind a few of these that I would get some extra skill from ranking up the Codex for this many kills.
The mission also required that you killed these in an exact location that they marked on the map for it. There was a special spawn of Bercyled that had a high respawn rate. You had to be careful to not get mobbed to death. While I did not worry about such an event occurring I could see a newer player struggling if they get a few of these on them.
While the first mission I did had a quick spawn rate all in one area that you did not have to leave. Lure Them Away which had you kill 300 Cornundos Puny did not. They were also spread out being mixed in with a few different kinds of creatures.
This one ended up taking the longest of them all. At one point even a few other players were working on this mission and everyone just took their corner of the area clearing out what they could when it spawned in. Since this mission also required you to be in a certain area as well you could not just go elsewhere and get credit for those kills.
In the next area, I ended up working on two missions. The creature Snablesnot is broken down into the male and female versions. As such it had a quest for hunting each. Since the female is harder to kill it had half as many kills required.
It did not take long for me to work out that I had to be smart about how I went about this. While the missions had me kill twice as many of one over the other. It felt like the area had more females than males. It would be easy to finish off the females first and then end up killing extra ones when they got in your way.
I decided to do my best to keep the kill counts about double as high for the male as the female. That way I would be finishing off these two missions around the same time. I would not have to worry about wasting a bunch of kills that I no longer would get credit for.
It was almost more like a brawl than anything else. They would be constantly spawning in and attacking me when they got the chance. As a result, I stopped worrying about ammo wasted since I would get some as the reward anyways.
While I was battling these another player showed up. While the special area could handle the two of us it was almost not enough. Unlike me who was fighting them down in the pit, the other player was sniping them from the hillside. Which looked like it made looting a bit harder to do.
I then went to work on a mission for that spare rifle I had been picked up a while ago. It required going into an area to hunt some porotype robots. I ended up wearing the CDF Scout Gear I had picked up recently.
I however had a feeling I was not going to turn in the mission for the upgraded version of the gun. One of the points of using it was that it was “free” TT I got to decay on a weapon while hunting a bunch of lower-level monsters.
When it comes to mission turn-in for Entropia Universe they usually required an item to be fully repaired. Since the weapon itself only had 1 more point of damage and a very small almost a non-noticeable efficiency increase I decided I did not want it for now.
That slight increase in damage would edge it closer to a gun I already have for clearing smaller creatures. One of the things I liked about this rifle was it was even lower damage which was perfect. I might even repair it at some point if I end up doing more low-level hunts. It seemed to be quite ideal and not overkilling by much.
It’s just a shame the rewards will be an (L) once I get enough daily tokens and that will break over time being tossed out. I’ve always found it fun to hunt the Feffoid in the cave. I might have to do a proper hunt on them at some point. They deal most of their damage as cold which I have no idea what kind of gear I would even want for that.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.