Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
The most important and time-consuming thing you can work on while being on planet Cyrene in Entropia Universe is acquiring A.R.C Faction Badges. They are required for advancing your progress on the planet. They unlock special vendors, questing, armor, and plate missions.
A.R.C Faction Badges is something that is meant more for the people who choose to spend quite some time or even live on planet Cyrene. You can get a hundred or so within a couple of days by doing some one-time missions and dallies that however is quite a small amount compared to what you need. All the end game uber things require many thousands of these and that means grinding out the daily missions which could take you over a year of doing so for many.
While there are things you achieve for a much shorter stay and at a much lower end of the game. You still are looking at about a month minimum or two depending on what goals you end up setting for yourself.
The panel on the left contains five daily kill missions. While the other four have killing quests covering just about if not all creatures on Cyrene that you can only run once. There are two high to mid-level and two mid to low-level panels. The daily reward missions grant 1 A.R.C Faction badge each while the single-time missions reward one to four.
You should not feel a rush to work on all the one-time missions at once. As some of them are quite hard and require you to kill creatures sometimes with thousands of health. Every day you are on Cyrene or can get out there you should focus on completing the daily missions.
Some daily missions will require you to have a certain amount of A.R.C Faction badges before you can accept them that will take a few days to collect enough. While others you can start working on your first day.
Daily missions tend to reset 21 hours after you complete them. At least that is what the game claims. However, I’ve noticed unless I’ve fallen quite behind I’m more or less getting them around the same time of day daily.
While there are many different locations for each creature these are the spots I usually run each day. Keep in mind the level of maturate level required for any of the missions. In some areas, you can kill anything that moves while in others you need to target and pick off only a specific maturity to get credit.
If you are really smart you will work on this along with many other missions while on Cyrene. I talk about trying to maximize your kill counts by stacking missions in My Strategy For Planet Cyrene.
The first spot on my route is where I picked up the five daily missions from Tans’Ta’Oh Outpost right next to the teleporter. I’ll hold off on turning in till I do all the killing missions I plan to do for the day.
Since only the old maturity count and it can sometimes be hard to pick out of these with everything else there. You might enjoy heading to A.R.C Headquarters Teleporter and up to the second floor. There you will find a Paneleon hunting cave that will be easier to pick out Old Paneleon.
Next up is at the 4th marker on the route shown on the map. Killing 12 Mutated Dire Weeds is another easy mission. I favor the spot just north-north-east of Zyn Forest teleporter (135787, 78238). It is quite a small spawn but since you only need 12 kills. People are not sticking around for long. I tend to hunt them in Adjusted Pixie with an Armatrix LR-20.
While Devastator Sea Wraiths can be done in Adjusted Pixie gear I find that a bit rough since they deal 20% impact and 80% Electric damage and deal a decent punch. Thankfully they only have 650 health so an ArMatrix LR-35 makes quick work of them.
These are also the easiest to kill. I switch over to using Adjusted Harrier Assault armor for the speed running bonus. Unless you are a low-level player using any armor here is overkill. Using a Z12 Barbarella with the ZX Sinkadus amp can be a bit more overkill than I like having. However, you are killing 110 of these so just using a TT Cyrene pistol will take a lot longer if you don’t mind spending the time. You could always slap a ZX Sinkadus amp onto the TT pistol if you have one.
NPC Andrina at around (138461, 77296) asked for you to turn in 500 sweat for 1 A.R.C Faction Badge. You do not need to farm the sweat yourself. Cleaver players looking to sell sweat are often nearby wanting to sell you 500 sweat for 1 PED.
If you want to farm your sweat which is what I did I recommend heading into the Weak Paneleon Hunting Cavern. It can be found by heading southwest of Rookie Training Area right next to the exit out of the town you will see the teleport for it around (138739,77623).
Hunting the Weak Paneleon once they are dry from sweating is also a great way to try and farm up some of the Tail Tips you need if you are going to be working on Cyrene plating.
If you plan on crafting you might as well stay sweating Paneleon for quite some time. You are going to need a lot more than just the 500 for this daily.
For acquiring Cyrene Mission Tokens one possible type of mission is turning in Cyrene materials to different NPCs daily. An example of some of them can be found next to the A.R.C Headquarters Teleporter. Others can be found around the same island the headquarters is on.
Mission: Craft a Cube Empowered Lube. The blueprint can be bought from the blueprints terminal on Cyrene under ‘by and for Cyrene section.’
Hardening Agent is made by refining 2 blue crystals.
Mission: Craft Acid Armor Plates. The blueprint is from the mission Toa’quak Hide And Seek found at (134796, 76750) in a tree house.
Mission: Craft an Embossed Cyrene Shirt. This blueprint is from the blueprints terminal on Cyrene under the ‘by and for Cyrene section.’
Frankly, this thing is a massive pain in the behind to craft and I don’t see it worth it for just 1 A.R.C. Faction Badge. Outstanding Calcium Compound refined from Protective coating (craft 10 vibrant sweat, 3 hardening agents) and greater claw.
Mission: Craft A C.B.R 107. This (L) blueprint is from the blueprints terminal on Cyrene under the ‘by and for Cyrene section.’
The terrestrial hormone is refined from 2 Terrestrial glands and 4 Zorn Star ingots. The gland can be quite pricy to get off auction if there are any for sale. I have only looted 3 ever from hunting puny or weak rhino beetle. This is another mission I never do
Ideally, you want to pick these up before going on a massive mining run or you can attempt to try and just select mine for these resources. The latter however requires quite extensive knowledge of the mining locations of Cyrene.
I have broken down the Cyrene map into different sections to try and give you a bit of a hint of where certain things regarding these missions can be found. This is based on my mining data of around 2k PED worth of probes using a Finder F-105. I don’t have an exact 100% coverage of Cyrene at this time so there will be many other locations.
This also is not all my locations either. I’m simply just sharing some of them for those who need some kind of starting point. This map should only be seen as a rough guide and not exact locations. You will need to mine in these general areas for your own more detailed mining data.
I’m sure you already see the issue from the screenshot above. Summoning Totems have high markup and very low sales volume. While these can drop from a bunch of different Cyrene creatures such as Living Vortex, Ide Claw, Dire Weed, Swamp Lurker, and so forth. They are quite rare drops at that.
I only have one totem sitting in my storage from all the time I have been on Cyrene. There is also zero for sale in the auction house at the time of writing this. These are quite hard to come by.
Since I’ve not done one myself I can only go off rumors that these tend to spawn some nasty things. The kind of stuff that would eat me for a snack on the way to an all-you-can buffet.
Since just about anything you need to kill on Cyrene is going to have an ARC Faction Badge missions I recommend picking them all up at once. Don’t feel a need to rush to finish them all right away just let them be something you work on when you have other missions stacking for the same kill. This is something I talk about in My Strategy For Planet Cyrene.
With just Adjusted Pixie gear with 2A plates, Gremlin with 5B plates, and up to an ArMatrix LR-35. I was able to complete all of the single-time missions except for Skreel, Molten Red Golem (I never went into the loot PvP area to hunt them), and Fenris.
In some of the missions if this is the only gear you have and not something more ideal you just have to accept you will get killed often. For me that was any robot kill missions since I’m lacking that kind of gear for the most part.
When it comes to dealing with sea creatures bring lots of ammo. Almost all of them can be killed by just swimming backward. Just make sure you don’t get stuck hitting land or the bottom of the ocean as that will surely result in a quick death in many instances if not a lot of healing for most players. Something like the Wiles has 4,500 health and as you can imagen with just an ArMatrix LR-35 that took a while to kill one of them.
Other than those most of the missions were not that bad. I never went out of my way to just work on them only. You do need to do quite a few daily missions to have enough badges anyways that rushing these is just not worth it at the start unless you are about 100 away from 200 A.R.C Faction Badges. As at 200 you unlock stage 2 A.R.C missions that I have talked about in other sections.
When I ran them I counted 35 one-time missions in total. If you can do them all you get around 100 A.R.C Faction badges. Since these missions encompass about every creature if not all of them on Cyrene and each one usually has a few different spawn locations. I won’t be going over these in any further detail. Everywhere you go you will see something to kill for one of these missions! I might make a separate guide on these in the future.
The universe.
Yep really. The entire Universe.
Ok, so I lied. You don’t get the universe.
Instead, you get the opportunity to buy or do large turn-in missions for rewards depending on how many badges you have acquired.
You can buy (L) armor off the terminals in each of the rooms as long as you have enough badges which you need on you to enter. Instead of buying with PED, you will be buying with shrapnel. So if these are a goal you are trying to reach. Make sure to not convert all your shrapnel into ammo till you have enough.
Stage one requires 200 badges to enter. I have compared the A.R.C Inaugurates (L) to a piece of Gremlin in the above screenshot. Each A.R.C piece costs 350k shrapnel (35 PED) and has a TT value of 28 PED. The gear is limited.
In the room, you can also exchange a limited or Unlimited Weapon cube for a weapon. Thankfully they added a mission where you can just turn it in so you don’t have to wait around for the vendor to be restocked.
At this time there are also two other rooms available in-game. I however do not meet the requirements to enter them. I have been told they sell an improved version over the A.R.C Inaugurates (L) armor.
The NPCs to talk to for that process can be found on the second and top floor of A.R.C Headquarters Teleporter.
That is also just the starting point. Further upgrades however require having 1k, 2k, 2.5k, 3k, 3.5k, and 4k A.R.C Badges.
Assuming I had an unlimited budget in this game which I don’t sense it’s a real-world economy game. I would need to grind all 16 daily missions for 244 days to reach 4k if I already had all the one-time missions completed. That is also the easy part. As the upgrade material for each piece and gear gets even more difficult than the last.
As far as how long and how much did it take to get to 300 A.R.C Faction Badges that is a bit harder to work out. I spent over a month on Cyrene doing at least the hunting daily missions and when I had the crafting supplies some of the crafting as well. Along with turning in 500 sweat if I had any.
I usually spent 1.2 Hours hunting ( I usually killed a bit more Paneleon than I needed since I wanted to farm them) each day.
0.10 hours dealing with the crafting if I had the supplies that day.
0-3 hours sweating depending if I needed any and how active I was to switch to the next creature to sweat.
2 hours of mining when I went on mining runs that however was not every day. This was far beyond what I would have needed to do for mining missions. I only unlocked A.R.C Faction Badges missions not that long ago and most times I would come back finding 3 out of the 5 mining claims for the mission.
So more than likely in the first month 36 hours hunting, up to 4.8 hours dealing with crafting, and up to 35-60 hours sweating. Maybe 28 hours mining but that was mostly before I had enough badges for those missions.
The costs I am even more unsure about. For most hunting trips I would have cycled 120-200 PED worth of ammo and decay if I did not get carried away on farming Paneleon per day (which I usually put about 50-100 PED into them) you could do this a bit cheaper. The crafting is unknown to me since I rarely craft and never spent the time to try and separate crafting supplies that I was going to use from my storage. I did about 2k PED of mining.
Then you have all those one-time missions. I never did keep track of the time spent working on all of those or the entire amount spent hunting those creatures up till the mission was completed. Since I was always stacking missions when I could and these kill missions were usually the lower amount of kills than other missions I had. While I could guess my cost per health of the creatures and number of kills I’d rather.
While it would be amazing if I was cranking out 16 A.R.C Faction badges daily. The only ones I know for sure I can get are the hunting done daily. I now have enough mining data I could try and only mine for those mining claims for mining missions. That however has a bit of risk just trying to mine for them only. The crafting I only ever craft 2 or 3 of the items if I have the supplies. I also do the daily sweating.
This number also assumed I would not be hitting some daily cap for how many A.R.C badges you can earn in a single day. There is also the possibility there are other daily missions to earn badges that I have not run into. I assume there could be something for hitting 300 A.R.C Faction Badges if that is another “stage” of progression.
I believe I could get the next 200 badges I need to move up into unlocking more things in around 20 days. That is if I could afford to keep going at my current burn rate. This is ultimately the true kicker in this game.
Thankfully my mining runs have been going amazing enough that they helped offset my costs while on Cyrene. Unfortunately, I’m sitting on so many Cyrene mining materials they are eating up most of my free liquidity and they take forever to move if they ever do. I almost don’t want to do any more mining at this point till I can at least get some inventory moved so I can truly understand my gains and losses if I have to start vending my ores due to no sales for just TT.
So that would bring me back to thinking it would take another month to gain 200 more A.R.C badges with what I’m expecting that I could do.
One thing I have been doing to limit the amount of time spent on Cyrene is playing based on the timers. I would log in, run my missions, and then spend up to an hour flying to another planet. I then would try and return the next day right as the mission would reset.
This however meant I was spending up to 1-2 hours daily flying when I elected to do this. Along with the cost of gas and thruster decay for making those trips. Adding extra costs so I could go play elsewhere in the game when I wanted to go that route.
This further proves my overall thoughts about Cyrene. Amazing if you live here full time or want to spend months here logging in daily for two hours or more. A bit rough otherwise if you want to work on getting the first two or so stages of gear or plating with how limited you are by grinding out the A.R.C badges daily.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.