Outward Definitive Edition | Time Ticking Down
While hunting Atrax was fun they are just not the same as Atrox themselves. So it’s only natural that I felt a need after such a long grind to head over to my favorite Atrox spot out in Jurra Plateau. A place that I’ve learned I enjoy hunting some other local creatures as well.
Atrox is just one of those creatures I find myself hunting at least once a week if not more as long as I’m on the Planet Calypso. As such this grind to rank 10 ended up being quite a few scatters of time frames across perhaps months in time. It seems I was not as well organized as I should have been in taking some screenshots of those hunts.
One thing quite a few people don’t know about this game is you can loot drops that are used by landowners to spawn certain types of creatures on their lands. This usually requires things like bones and whatnot that drop from individual creatures themselves.
Over the years the game has lost some creatures due to land owners overriding limited spawns and no one having enough materials to bring them back from the dead. While nowadays most parts used in such things that are still around are not worth much and hardly ever sell. There are still some things that.
While I’ll more than likely just TT it at some point for the 1 PED since I rarely get these. For now, I’ll just hold into it as a fun reminder of this hunt. I tend to try and keep a lot of odd little things in storage till a rainy day comes along and I decided it's time to sell some junk I have like busting open a piggy bank.
I do miss the old days of going out and hunting Atrox. Looting an ESI and that more than covers the cost of the hunt and then some. I have still yet to get a single one of them let alone any of the other cool stuff Atrox can drop allegedly.
Sometimes do what can drop if anything these days. Perhaps at some point, I just need to do a much higher level of the hunt on these things. These lower-level ones have gotten to be quite easy for me over the years.
This is why I always love seeing my health go up reducing that chance even further of occurring. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been taken to a single point of health in this game. Thankfully I can usually heal myself quickly enough along with my evade skill that I survive near death.
As far as how many hunts or even Atrox I’ve killed that even to me remains quite unknown. I rather mindlessly hunt these things I’m shocked they have not gone fully extinct. It is also rather shocking I’m not a lot higher in the codex as well.
I ended up having a bit of a long rut hunting Atrox. For whatever reason, they seemed to be rather tired of me showing up to hunt them. I guess I can’t blame them they have not killed me in quite some time. Just no fun in it for them at the levels I hunt.
I don’t even want to think how much PED worth of ammo I’ll need to cycle through these things just to get up to rank 20 let alone rank 25. Perhaps in the future, I’ll go try some higher-level ones. I do have ghost armor I should be able to tackle some bigger stuff.
I should also in the coming months have high enough skills to have an ArMatrix LR 50 (L) maxed out. Sadly from what I’ve seen for laser guns that are where they start to get rather pricey for markup. I don’t even want to know the gun amp markup at the level to get the most out of it.
Perhaps one of these days I’ll luck out and loot a nice TWEN event UL gun. Granted it will more than likely be a rather low-level one. I however don’t play enough let alone want to spend the kind of money to just buy a UL weapon off another player.
I’ll have to loot one if I want one. So far the only ones I’ve ever looted are really old ones with low efficiency and terrible damage per pec. Not worth holding onto. Not to mention some of them require level 100 in laser skills to have fully maxed out. Which I am nowhere near having even if I play this game for many more years to come.
Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Entropia Universe.